Transparent and competitive fee structures
Our clients include individuals and corporate entities and they are with us because they like the quality and depth of our service, the transparent way we charge and our very competitive rates.
Initial meetings The first 15 minutes for individuals and the first 30 minutes for businesses are free of charge.
For compliance work (filing accounts, tax returns, P11Ds, P35s and others) we charge a fixed fee based on the amount of work involved. This is agreed with our client in advance.
For non-compliance work, we charge as follows:
– Specific projects and opinions – fixed fee agreed in advance
– Company formations & Company secretarial compliance – fixed fee
– On-going support and advice – Hourly rates dependent on complexity
– Tax investigations – Hourly rates. We recommend insurance as this can be costly.
We endeavour to keep costs down by delegating work to competent staff who are overseen by Harry. This ensures a cost effective service.
Professional fees insurance
HM Revenue & Customs target a number of taxpayers each year for an in-depth enquiry into their tax affairs.
Even if they find nothing, it can be time-consuming, sometimes brutal and inevitably expensive. To cover our services in this event, we advise clients to take out professional fees insurance whether they are a personal or business client.